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Another 10GW photovoltaic manufacturing project landed

Another 10GW photovoltaic manufacturing project landed

August 22, 2024

Recently, the Management Committee of Jiangsu Suqian Economic Development Zone issued an announcement, approving the environmental impact report of the solar cell encapsulation film project with an annual output of 100 million square meters (10GW).


It is reported that the project builder is Suqian Taijing New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., located in Suqian Economic and Technological Development Zone. The Suqian Economic Development Zone Management Committee stated in the announcement that according to the evaluation conclusion of the "Report Form", from an environmental protection perspective, the project is feasible to be built at the proposed location according to the construction content listed in the "Report Form"


Public information shows that Taijing New Materials' 10GW solar cell encapsulation film project plans to invest 600 million yuan and lease the idle factory building of Jiangsu Aocai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., with a total construction area of ​​24,000 square meters.


The project is divided into two phases. The first phase of the project will invest 350 million yuan to purchase 7 new high-speed EPE and POE production lines. The second phase of the project will invest 250 million yuan to purchase 5 new high-speed EPE and POE production lines. After completion, it will achieve an annual output of 100 million square meters (10GW) of solar cell encapsulation film.


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